by aliyah
rishon (Bereishit 32:4)sheni (32:14)
shlishi (32:31)
revii (33:6)
chamishi (34:1)
shishi (35:12)
shvii (36:20)
maftir (36:40)
haftara (Hoshea 12)
haftara (Ovadia perek 1)
Rashi, in English and Hebrew
Daat -- with Rashi, Ramban, Seforno, Ibn Ezra, Rashbam, Rabbenu Bachya, Midrash Rabba, Tanchuma+, Gilyonot
Gilyonot Nechama Leibovitz (Hebrew)
Tiferes Yehonasan from Rav Yonasan Eibeshitz
Toldos Yizchak Acharon, repeated from Rav Yonasan Eibeshutz
Even Shleimah -- from Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich
Collected commentary of Saadia Gaon on Torah
Zohar, with English translation
Baal Haturim (HaAruch)
Imrei Shafer, Rav Shlomo Kluger
Meiri -- nothing until vayeshev
Ibn Gabirol -- nothing until vayeshev
Rabbenu Yonah - nothing until vayeshev
Aderet Eliyahu (Gra)
Kol Eliyahu (Gra)
Sefer Zikaron of Ritva -- not until Vayigash
The following meforshim at JNUL:
Ralbag (59)
Chizkuni (34)
Baal HaTurim (12)
Rabbenu Bachya (51)
Abarbanel (95)
Shach (34)
Paneach Raza (24)
Yalkut Reuveni (pg 56)
Sefer Hachinuch (pg 10)
Daat, Rashi In Hebrew (perek 32)
Judaica Press Rashi in English and Hebrew
Gur Aryeh (Maharal of Prague)
Berliner's Beur on Rashi
Commentary on Rashi by Yosef of Krasnitz
R' Yisrael Isserlin (on Rashi, 5, JNUL)
Two supercommentaries on Rashi, by Chasdai Almosnino and Yaakov Kneizel
Rav Natan ben Shishon Shapira Ashkenazi (16th century), (JNUL, pg 27)
Yeriot Shlomo (Maharshal)
Moda L'Bina (Wolf Heidenheim)
Mekorei Rashi (in Mechokekei Yehuda)
Meam Loez -- laazei Rashi
Also see Mikraos Gedolos above, which has Rashi with Sifsei Chachamim
Daat, Ramban in Hebrew (perek 32)
Rabbi Meir Abusaula (student of Rashba)
ibn ezra
Daat, Ibn Ezra in Hebrew (perek 32)
Mechokekei Yehudah (Daat)
Mechokekei Yehudah (HebrewBooks)
R' Shmuel Motot (on Ibn Ezra, pg 15, JNUL)
Mekor Chaim, Ohel Yosef, Motot
Also see Mikraos Gedolos above, which has Ibn Ezra with Avi Ezer
Targum Onkelos opposite Torah text
Shadal's Ohev Ger on Targum Onkelos
Avnei Tzion -- two commentaries on Onkelos
Or Hatargum on Onkelos
Commentary on Targum Yonatan and Targum Yerushalmi
Origen's Hexapla (JNUL)
Tanach with masoretic notes on the side
Rama (but based on alphabet, not parsha)
Midrash Rabba at Daat (32)
Midrash Tanchuma at Daat (32)
Bereishit Rabba, with commentaries
Bereishit Rabba with Yefei Toar
Midrash Tanchuma with commentary of Etz Yosef and Anaf Yosef
Commentary on Midrash Rabba by R' Naftali Hirtz b'R' Menachem
Matat-Kah on Midrash Rabba
Nefesh Yehonasan by Rav Yonasan Eibeshutz
haftara (Ovadiah 1)
In a separate Mikraos Gedolos, with Targum, Rashi, Radak, Mahari Kara, Ibn Ezra, Metzudat David.
As a haftara in a chumash Bereishit, with Malbim and Ibn Ezra
Daat, with Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Radak, Yalkut Shimoni, Gilyonot
Aharon ben Yosef the Karaite
Radak (JNUL, 240)
The way I heard it, it is a machlokes, what happened to her afterwards. One was that she married Shimon, and there is a prooftext. Another is that she married Iyov, and that prooftext is the connection of nevalah - nevalah. This "after divorcing her brother" sounds to me like an attempt at harmonization -- someone wanted to two midrashim to agree because of Elu veElu, but she could not be married to both simultaneously, and so someone invented a divorce. Such is my guess, at least.
Its a pferish midrash
interesting. can you point me at the source of this midrash?
I am aware of the separate items:
א"ר אבא בר כהנא דינה אשתו של איוב היתה דכתיב כדבר אחת הנבלות תדברי
אמר רבי הונא: הנבעלת לערל קשה לפרוש.
אמר רבי הונא: אמרה: ואני אנה הוליך את חרפתי?
עד שנשבע לה שמעון, שהוא נוטלה, הה"ד (שם מז): ושאול בן הכנענית, בן דינה שנבעלה לכנעני.
but have not seen them put together...
וְיַעֲקֹב נָסַע סֻכֹּתָה וַיִּבֶן לוֹ בָּיִת וּלְמִקְנֵהוּ עָשָׂה סֻכֹּת עַל-כֵּן קָרָא שֵׁם-=הַמָּקוֹם סֻכּוֹת
DIRAS ARAI-the gemara just states matter of factly it has to be ARAI we know it from this weeks parsha also the minhag of the Chassidm harishonim to do one hour before is this week.
Here is the text:
כשהביאו את דינה מבית שכם נשבע לה שמעון שישאנה לאשה אחר שנעברה משמעון גרשה שמעון מכיון שנפטר כבר מן השבועה כשירד יעקב למצרים לקחה ונתנו לאיוב It is in Breishis Rabasi#222
ah. thanks!
I'll check it out.
I would note that Bereshit Rabbati is fairly late. It was authored, most likely, by Rav Moshe HaDarshan, who was about contemporary with Rashi. So he presumably performed the aforementioned harmonization. (though I am not sure this harmonization will work with the original intent of the other midrashic authors.)
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