This is one reason I am against
segulahs in general. People are trained to think magically, rather than rationally, and they do not know when they are stepping over a line into the prohibited. Calling a witch who uses tools of divination to determine who has been affected by the "evil eye," and then having her remove the evil eye via a potion is certainly foolish, but quite possibly a violation of witchcraft,
nichush (divination / augury) and
darkei emori (in my opinion -- feel free to argue; and see my next post on this topic when I post it). But call it "ayin hara," and pretend that these are segulahs, and you have otherwise frum people passing out her business card at weddings. Bluke at
TheJewishWorker points out a positive article about this practice, in the English HaModiah, by popular a Jewish author. He has a scan of the article, so check out his post.
The article is about a woman who pours lead and interprets the shapes, and performs rituals to remove the evil eye. For comparison, here is a passage from the book
Pensylvania Dutch and Other Essays, about this superstition among the gentiles. They practice it on New Years or on Halloween:

The practice is called Bleigießen, or lead casting. Oy.
Great post. Thanks for drawing attention to these issues on a regular basis.
What kind of idiot calls the "Ayin Hara specialist" instead of 9-1-1?
A great article, thanks for taking the time to write this. I am all for taking our religion back from those that are overly emotional and continue to think these things are part of Hashem's process.
I invite you to see my: "Fortune Telling and Palm Reading are Not Part of Judaism"
Regarding pouring lead, check this out from R' Yaakov Shapiro:
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