Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Posts so far for Shavuot

2010, 2011

  1. YU's Shavuot To-Go, 5770. And for 2011, YU's Shavuot To-Go, 5771
  2. How the Jew's merited mattan Torah --  Trying to trace a midrash, and its meaning. As far as I can tell, the idea that they traced their lineage via sifrei yuchsin is a late midrash, and the midrash itself tells us the import.
  3. Why stay up all night Shavuos? A fascinating midrash I 'discovered'.
  4. If you missed counting, should you stay up learning Shavuos night? The question is based in the Zohar.
    What if someone missed a day? He is already not considered pure and is not worthy of having a portion in the Torah. It appears that it is only those who counted are to learn Torah and unite with it? .
  5. Is learning all night Shavuos a Tikkun for sleeping before Mattan Torah? Further considering the question. See also post 1 for 2009.

  1. Sleeping on the night of Shavuot -- some sources. According to midrash, according to Ibn Ezra, what did the Bnei Yisrael do? Whatever they did, was it "bad"? Even if so, need we somehow "fix" this? (This last point is not addressed in the post.)
  2. In the beginning of Shadal's vikuach, he opposes the kabbalistic custom staying up all night saying a tikkun on another chag. Which makes it appropriate reading material for tonight. Here is the first chapter of Shadal's Vikuach, as a Google site, so that it is all one printable page. Check it out here.
  1. Kabbalah coopts Shavuot -- in at least three ways
  1. Why converts are great
  2. How Naomi Proposes Yibbum For אשת אחיו שלא היה בעולמו and אחין מן האם
  3. Naomi as prototype of believed woman
  4. Naomi: The Lord has *testified* against me?
  5. Did Boaz perform customary maamar?
  6. Ruth and Naomi's names. And more on Ruth's name.
  7. Cross-dressing Ruth and Naomi
  1. What I plan to learn Shavuot night. Shadal's Vikuach. And now I have posted up much (though not all) of it in translation. See for 2009, though.
  1. The blemishes of Israel disappearing at Har Sinai.
  2. Ruth, the first feminist?
  1. Bedibbur Echad

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