Sunday, May 24, 2009

The rules of trup, pg v

The Rules of Trup by Wolf Heidenheim continues. See previous segment. He now begins chapter two, in which he distinguishes the melachim from the mesharsim, and describes which ones are not considered melachim because of their small number. The text of his work follows:

Chapter II

The distinction between the taamim {=melachim; disjunctive accents} and the meshartim {conjunctive accents}

That which distinguishes between the taam and the mesharet is that the taam rests without a mesharet, such as in {the first word of Torah} בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית {with a tipcha}, while there is no mesharet without a taam. Because it is not possible for a mesharet to stand without a taam, it is therefore called a mesharet {servant}.

One cannot set a taam to be a mesharet nor a mesharet to be a taam except for the shalshelet, in the three {poetic} books, Iyov, Mishlei, and Tehillim, where sometimes it is a taam and sometimes a mesharet. But in the 21 {prose} books, it is only found in 7 places, and there at the beginning of the verse, with a pesik {vertical bar} after it, and they are {see also my post here}
  1. In Bereishit 19:16 וַיִּתְמַהְמָהּ
  2. In Bereishit 24:12, וַיֹּאמַר
  3. In Bereishit 39:8, וַיְמָאֵן
  4. In Vayikra 8:23, וַיִּשְׁחָט
  5. In Yeshaya 13:8, וְנִבְהָלוּ
  6. In Amos 1:2, וַיֹּאמַר
  7. In Ezra 5:15, וַאֲמַר-לֵהּ
(And so does it say in the masoret, in parshat Tzav, "there are 7 words with the trup of Mar'imin and Peseikin {=Shalshelet followed by paseik}".)

And since they are in {small, finite} number, they are not counted either to the taamim nor to the meshartim.

And so too the segolta (and there are those who call it shari} which is three dots, is not enumerated either with the taamim nor the meshartim, for it only comes after the zarka, and if not for the zarka, the segolah would not come, and wherever the zarka comes, the segolah comes after it, with the exception of

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