Wednesday, March 14, 2012

YUTorah on Vayakheil-Pekudei

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Audio Shiurim on Vayakhel-Pekudei
Rabbi Elchanan Adler: Shivat Yemei Hamiluim 
Rabbi Asher Brander: Of Mishkan & Hidden Beauty 
Rabbi Chaim Brovender: Bedek HaBayit 
Rabbi Yitzchok Cohen: The Connection Between Yitzchak's birth and the building of the Mishkan 
Rabbi Avishai David: Shabbos: Preventing the Fire of Idolatry 
Rabbi Solomon Drillman: The Difference Between Mikdash and Mishkan 
Rabbi Ally Ehrman: The Secret Of One 
Rabbi Aaron Feigenbaum: And Moshe gathered the people 
Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman: Chachmah 
Rabbi Joel Finkelstein: Home Sanctuary 
Rabbi Barry Gelman: Pete and Repeat were on a boat, Pete fell off, who was left...? 
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg: A Person who Gives Generously, or a Generous Person?
Rabbi Yehuda Goldschmidt: Pure Foundations 
Rabbi Meir Goldwicht: Atzei Shittim Omdim 
Rabbi Ephraim Greene: Potential to Actual 
Rabbi Shalom Hammer: Fire of Faith 
Rabbi Jesse Horn: An overview of the Mishkan
Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky: Greatness of Man Stems from Hashem 
Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg: Who's in Control?
Rabbi Akiva Koenigsberg: Torah Temimah: Non-verbal commitments to give charity
Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz: Looking in the Mirror 
Rabbi Shmuel Marcus: The Kippah in Halacha 
Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger: The Sefer of Geulah 
Rabbi Hershel Reichman: The Individual and the Tzibbur building the Mishkan
Rabbi Zev Reichman: The Wisdom of Betzalel 
Rabbi Michael Rosensweig: Do students originate anything? 
Rabbi Yonason Sacks: Havara Lechalek Yatzas or Lelav Yatzas 
Mrs Ilana Saks: Mirror Images 
Rabbi Hershel Schachter: Laws of Shabbos based on the Mishkan 
Mrs. Shoshana Schechter: Reflections on the Mirrors of Mitzrayim: Looking Forward to Make Change 
Rabbi Avi Schneider: Share the Wealth 
Rabbi Baruch Simon: The Benefit of our own Ma'aseh Yadayim 
Mrs. Shira Smiles: Intelligence and Inheritance 
Rabbi Aaron Soloveichik: The Difference Between Avoda and Melacha 
Rabbi Reuven Spolter: Men, Women, the Mishkan and the Eigel 
Rabbi Moshe Taragin: Submission and Creativity in Religion 
Rabbi Michael Taubes: Kiddush and its Connection to Yitzas Mitzrayim 
Rabbi Shmuel Wagner: Shemoneh Esrei and Pekudei 
Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg: Secrets of the Revealed Torah
Rabbi Mordechai Willig: The difference between the egel and the Mishkan 
Rabbi Andi Yudin: Priorities & Perspectives 
Rabbi Ari Zahtz: Message of the Kiyor 
Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler: The Meaning Behind The Kior 

Articles on Vayakhel-Pekudei
Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn: The Mindful Kli of Moshe
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin: Understanding Shabbat
Rabbi Avraham Gordimer: Donors to the Mishkan
Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb: Prerequisites for Building the Mishkan
Rabbi Maury Grebenau: The Jewish Space-Time Continuum
Rabbi Yehuda Henkin: Priorities
Rabbi Josh Hoffman: Balancing the Books 
Rabbi David Horwitz: Finishing the Mishkan
Rabbis Stanley Wagner and Israel Drazin: The Tabernacle Donors and Their Contribution
Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl: Giving Generously and Precision in Mitzvoth
Rabbi Dr. Jacob J Schacter: A Part or Apart?

Rabbi Jeremy Wieder: Laining for Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei
See all shiurim on YUTorah for Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei
New This Week


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