Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Interesting Posts and Articles #298

  1. This week's Haveil Havolim is hosted at Kiss a Mezuzah.
  2. At Shirat Devorah, a post about Practical Kabbalah, Jewish Fortune Tellers and Palm Readers.
  3. At Walking the Grey Line, another marriage segulah -- to dip one's fingers in the havdalah wine and dab the left ring finger. It seems to be that this must be a newfangled segulah, created in jest by some seminary girl akin to daubing the eyes, forehead, and back of neck. Not just because I've never heard of it. I haven't heard of many segulos. Rather, because traditionally, the ring is placed on the right index finger, not the left ring finger, by kiddushin.
  4. On the Main Line has the Lubavitcher Rebbe on textual criticism, and against eclectic texts.
  5. Life In Israel with Rav Shteinman and the godfather, making sure that his accepting of a kibbud did not make either grandfather upset.
  6. Balashon discussed chartumim. His conclusion:
    So while the hartumim and Khartoum both have Egyptian origins, it appears they are not connected.
  7. Apparently, a man was falsely arrested and thrown in jail for sexual abuse of his daughter, on the basis of facilitated communication.
  8. See also here, the Frontline program on Facilitated Communication:

  9. A Brooklyn College student committed to a mental health ward because she believed her landlord was spying on her with a hidden camera. After she was let out, she discovered the camera.
  10. At Frum and Flipped, one woman's unfortunate experience with a "mehadrin" mikveh.
  11. Wolfish Musings on that segulah to say parshas Haman.
  12. Daas Torah with a report from Rav Shabsai Rappaport on Rav Moshe's position on brain death.
  13. In response to Rabbi Natan Slifkin's summary of various points he made in a well-thought-out article, Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer wrote a guest post on Emes veEmunah. Rabbi Slifkin responds here and then here.
  14. Here on parshablog, some words in defense of Rabbi Yitzchak Kimmel, uber-kabbalist for hire. This does NOT mean that I endorse him. But a more detailed analysis to follow, be'ezras Hashem. And, I begin my way through my presentation of Shulchan Aruch, with an analysis of what az and what nemer means in "be as az an a nemer." Also, start preparing the parsha, by making use of my Yisro sources, a large collection of online meforshim on the parsha.


Shades of Grey said...

To be fair, if the real segulah IS indeed the right index finger to reflect a symbolic wishful kiddushin, I am in error. I thought I saw my Rav raise and indicate his left ring finger, to emphasize an engagement ring, but I could be mistaken. I was sitting a number of rows back when he made the gesture, but he did not verbally specify one finger over another.

Shades of Grey said...

On second thought, I don't think your question of the segulah is entirely reasonable. Most women, based on my own informal experience, have no clue that kiddushin utilizes the right index finger until they are preparing for their own wedding. The reasoning behind putting wine on the left ring finger should be obvious, since women always wear their engagement/wedding ring there. Thus, the kavannah behind the segulah is simply to be in a wedded state of being, irrespective of the halachic mechanism that creates the chalos of kiddushin.


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