Thursday, October 22, 2009

Please Daven, work on bein adam lachaveiro, on behalf of the bachurim in Japan

Such is the call from the Edah Chareidis, and I endorse it. Not just because it is nice for a change of pace for an emphasis on bein adam lachaveiro, rather than tznius, in order to save them, but because kol yisrael areivim zeh lazeh. Even though I surely disagree with many elements of their worldview, and we mutually would consider holy what the other would consider profane, and vice versa, still, we should care and pray for our fellow humans and co-religionists.

The request:
Worldwide tefillos are expected on Sunday and Sunday night as the trial of one of the bochrim imprisoned in Japan gets underway. A number of months ago, one of the three was sentenced and next week, the trial of yet another defendant is scheduled to begin.

The trial begins on Monday in Japan, Sunday night in Eretz Yisrael and Sunday evening in the United States. The trial is expected to continue for three consecutive days. The justices will hear the case against suspect Yosef ben Reizal.

The Eida Chareidis on Wednesday night called for an increased adherence to acts between man and fellow man and to increase tefillos as the trial take place. Tefilla gatherings are reportedly going to take place in New York and London as well.
The tzibur is requested to continue including Yosef ben Ita Rivka, Yoel Zev ben Mirel Reesa Chava and Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel in tefillos.

At the same time, I do understand Rabbi Harry Maryles' objections, in terms of emphasis, and casting as pidyon shevuyim. Before you agree or disagree, do not only read the above post but also what Yeshiva World put on the bottom,

As well as the linked to website, particularly this and especially this, about what great tzadikim they are. Then read Emes veEmunah's comments and see if you agree.

Even so, there is a time to nitpick and a time to not do so. And at this point, I would rather focus on not doing so, and hoping that these bachurim, though they were extremely misguided, be saved midin kasheh. Not necessarily as organized tefillah rallies, but as personal acts and tefillot with them in mind.


Devorah said...


Jeremy said...

good for them. what do you think changed?

Yosef Greenberg said...

"Even though I surely disagree with many elements of their worldview, and we mutually would consider holy what the other would consider profane, and vice versa, still, we should care and pray for our fellow humans and co-religionists."

Why do MO's find it so important to mention such ideas so often when writing/talking about Chareidim?

I'm trying to distract from the issue at hand here, but that comment sure did.

joshwaxman said...

my point here is that despite the heated arguments and how we mutually think the other is an idiot or living his life the wrong way (*slight* overstatement for emphasis), there are times for achdus, rather than fighting. in other words, this is something we can get behind, and not focus on our fights. this should transcend ideological disputes. (an idea which, if you are wondering, does not always come from the other side -- see what someone from Neturei Karta said regarding pidyon shevuyim in terms of Gilad Shalit.) and i think it is surely relevant after reading the post at emes veEmunah.

whether calling attention to this is counterproductive in this context or not is an interesting question.

kol tuv,

Yosef Greenberg said...

"(*slight* overstatement for emphasis)"

Thats it? 'slight'?

Equating Netura Karta with *regular* Chareidim is not a good idea.

"an idea which, if you are wondering, does not always come from the other side"

Why should I assume so? add it to my previous question.

But I do get your point. I was just missing some context, I guess.

joshwaxman said...

"Thats it? 'slight'?"

probably. for one example, when i see groups of chareidim, such as the edah chareidis, vilifying Hadassa hospital and assuming a blood libel exists against the Münchhausen mother, or certain chareidim who think tznius patrols, or beating up women on buses, or throwing rocks or dirty diapers at people on shabbos is a good idea and a mitzvah, i think that they have their priorities in the wrong order, and what they hold is a mitzvah i hold is an aveira. instances like this, i'm not so certain i should mitigate it with "slight overstatement." and as i said, it is mutual -- they would consider some or many of my ethical / religious priorities to be extremely misguided.

(of course, this is not all chareidim.)

and there could be a tendency to care more about anshei shlomeinu more than others. it is a positive thing to encourage, to allow brotherly concern to transcend the "pettier" disputes.

but look how this conversation is headed! this wasn't the post for it, and one oblique reference turned into something much more.



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