Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What Is The Basis of Saying Parshat HaMan Specifically Today?

Important Note: This post was written in jest. For the real basis, see this other parshablog post, which traces it from R' Mendel MiRiminov, to Rav Amram Gaon, to the Yerushalmi.

Received by email, has been on other blogs as well:
Reb Mendel M'Riminov said that saying Parshas Ha'monn (Shneyim Mikroh V'Echod Targum) on Tuesday Parshas B'Shalach, is a Segulah for Parnasah (Which is today, Tuesday Jan. 30. This is a special prayer that is supposed to help one get a good living financially.
Why specifically this week, and why specifically on Tuesday? Avoiding the obvious answers, I think the answer is patently obvious. Today is not just January 30th. It is also Shevat 11. Thirty days from now it will be 11 Adar, which will also (this year, for various reasons) be Taanit Esther.

And not only that, as the first Mishna records (though not halachic practice nowadays), the Megillah is sometimes read on 11 Adar.

We also know that 30 days before the chag we are shoalin vedorshin in the laws of the Chag. This is true by Pesach.

Similarly, by Purim, we need to start preparing 30 days before. And what better way than to read Parshat Haman!

In a related trivia note, which publisher of a Talmud translation mistakenly attributed the three meals on Shabbat to the three meals of Haman?


Abba said...

Parshas HaMon/ParshasHaman?

Hmm. Not so simple. There is evidence for the relation of Ha-Mon and Haman in the Midrashim about Haman being happy about choosing Adar because of Moshe Rabbeinu’s Yartzeit (Zayin Adar, -the day the Mon stopped) read against the day they stopped eating the leftover Mon, Nisan 16 (Haman’s own Yartzeit, a date spelled out in the text of the Megilah), the modality of Mon/Kometz HaMinchah of the chadash, a point examined by Haman himself in his (own) Yartzeit Shiur in Mordechai’s Beit Midrash on Nisan 16, in the Midrashim in BT Megilah and Midrash Ester.

R. Menachem HaMechiri’s Selichah “Adam BeKum” we say on Taanis Ester uses the Pasuk in Yehoshua of “HaMon” (the Mon) being stopped MiMacharas” (=Nisan 16) to describe Haman’s ending on that date (which plays on the intertextuality of Machar/Machar of Parshas Amalek and Haman’s end, noted by Chazal)

In Midrash Tehillim: The Mon in the desert would pile up . . .Fifty Amos high!

Gotta go say Parshas HaMon . . .

Anonymous said...

which publisher of a Talmud translation

What does the fact that they publish a Talmud have to do with a mistranslation of the zemiros some 15-20 years ago. You don't have an ax to grind by any chance, right?

Rafi G. said...

lol. thanks

Ari said...

see here from the top



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