Audio Shiurim on Yitro
Rabbi Elchanan Adler: The Pursuit of Truth Rabbi Hanan Balk: Torah as Partnership Between God and Man Rabbi Eli Belizon: Would Yisro's Geirus be Accepted Today Mrs. Malke Bina: A Comparative Study of the Ten Commandments Rabbi Yosef Blau: When Did Yisro Come To Moshe? Rabbi Chaim Brovender: Why Is It Called "Yitro"? Rabbi Avishai David: Two Ways to Receive the Torah Rabbi Ally Ehrman: Limmud Hatorah Kinisinasa Mrs Atara Eis: Drishat Elokim through the Momentous and the Mundane Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein: The Qualifications of the Judges and Our Talmud Torah Rabbi Aaron Feigenbaum: Yisro's Advice Rabbi Joel Finkelstein: Judaism Prior to the Golden Calf Rabbi David Fohrman: The Hidden Structure of the Ten Commandments Rabbi Efrem Goldberg: Delegate, Delegate, Delegate Mrs. Yael Goldfischer: The Covenant of Sinai and its Reverberations Rabbi Yehuda Goldschmidt: Accept the Torah and Don't Walk Like an Egyptian Rabbi Meir Goldwicht: Vayeshma Yitro Rabbi Ephraim Greene: The Two Crowns of Torah Rabbi Shmuel Hain: Matan Torah Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff: Are You a Perfect Ten: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments Rabbi David Hirsch: Why is the parsha of Kabalas HaTorah called Yisro? Rabbi Jesse Horn: Yisro's meeting with Moshe Rabbi Aharon Kahn: Moshe Rabainu and Yisro's advice Rabbi Akiva Koenigsberg: Appreciating the Order of the Ten Commandments Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg: Living with a Torah Focus Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz: Thousand Inspired, One Converted: Yisro's Secret to Success Rabbi Menachem Leibtag: The Top Ten or the First Ten: What's so special about the Ten Commandments Rabbi Yoni Levin: Creating Court Systems Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger: Zachor and Shamor Rabbi Zev Reichman: Tu BeShvat-Before Matan Torah Rabbi Michael Rosensweig: Drishas Elokim Rabbi Shalom Rosner: Mamlechet Kohanim v'Goy Kadosh Rabbi Yonason Sacks: Standing for Aseres Hadibros and Beis Din L'kiyum hadavar Rabbi Jeffrey Saks: Shnei Luchot HaBrit X2 - Comparing the Two Versions Mrs Ilana Saks: Fear and Floating Mountains Rabbi Avi Schneider: Hearing is Believing Mrs. Shira Siev Shechter: Priest of Midian or Father in Law of Moshe: An Analysis of the Story of Yitro Rabbi Baruch Simon: Lessons of Zerizus in our Avodas Hashem Mrs. Shira Smiles: Altar Accentuation Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky: Kibud Av Va'eim Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik: Vayehi Mimacharas - Appointment of Judges Rabbi Reuven Spolter: Religious Coercsion: Not as Bad as We Might Think Rabbi Josh Strulowitz: Biblical Idol(atry): How one of the Ten Commandments Got Voted Off Rabbi Moshe Taragin: Who cares about Yitro! Rabbi Michael Taubes: Shokling in Davening Mrs. Amy Tropp: Kedusha Attainable and Unattainable Rabbi Mordechai Turoff: What's in a name? Rabbi Shmuel Wagner: What Made Yisro Believe? Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg: Finding Your Letter and Chelek in the Torah Rabbi Andi Yudin: Derech Eretz Kadma L'Torah Rabbi Ari Zahtz: Who Was Moshe's Father in Law Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler: A Long Day In Court
Articles on Beshalach
Rabbi Asher Brander: A Parental Calling, A Child's Obligation Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn: Inspirational Hatred Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg: Mesorah and Matan Torah Rabbi Ozer Glickman: Truth, Yeshiva Tuition, & the American Economy Rabbi Shmuel Goldin: A Healthy Distance Rabbi Avraham Gordimer: Why Did Yisro Come? Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb: Intellectual Curiosity and the Search for Truth Rabbi Maury Grebenau: From G-d's Mouth to Your Ears Rabbi Josh Hoffman: Stop People, What's That Sound? Rabbi David Horwitz: The Reasons for the Observance of Shabbat Rabbis Stanley Wagner and Israel Drazin: Onkelos Champions Monotheism Inconsistently Rabbi Dr. John Krug: Just Say Know Rabbi Ephraim Meth: Our Torah Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl: Achieving True Unity Rabbi Meir Orlian: You shall not Covet
Rabbi Jeremy Wieder: Laining for Parshat Beshalach See all shiurim on YUTorah for Parshat Beshalach

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