Audio Shiurim on Ki Tisa
Rabbi Michael Rosensweig: Hidden Things?
Rabbi Hershel Reichman: Hashem's Tefillin
Rabbi Baruch Simon: Shabbos: Mekor HaBeracha
Rabbi David Hirsch: The Messages of Chur
Rabbi Yitzchok Cohen: The Machatzis Hashekel
Rabbi Ally Ehrman: A Stiff Neck As The Secret Of Our Redemption
Rabbi Chaim Brovender: The Descent from Sinai
Rabbi Michael Taubes: Reciting Pesukim by Heart
Mrs. Shira Smiles: Reclaiming a Relationship
Rabbi Zev Reichman: The sin of the golden calf
Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz: Too Much Too Fast
Rabbi Dovid Ebner: Giving is Receiving
Rabbi Reuven Spolter: The Protective Nature of Shabbat
Rabbi Avraham Willig: The Need for Stimulation
Rabbi Meir Goldwicht: Lekaper al Nafshoteichem (Hebrew)
Rabbi Andi Yudin: Direct Line
Rabbi Jesse Horn: The connection between the Mishkan & Shabbos
Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky: Atonement for the Cheit HaEgel
Rabbi Reuven Brand: The Luchos
Rabbi Joel Finkelstein: Ten Commandments of Mercy
Itamar Zolberg: Panai Lo Yerau (Hebrew)
Rabbi Moshe Taragin: Stones of Freedom
Rabbi Hanan Balk: Anger as an Expression of Idolatry
Rabbi Avi Schneider: Hiding Beneath all the Gold
Rabbi Eli Belizon: Chait HaAigel - The Status of Shituf
Rabbi Ephraim Greene Money; Playing with Fire
Rabbi Shalom Hammer: Divine Partnership
Rabbi Yehuda Susman: Sin of the Moment
Rabbi Ari Zahtz: Haftorah - Eliyahu B'Har HaCarmel
Articles on Ki Tisa
President Richard M. Joel: Empowerment
Rabbi David Horwitz: The Sin of the Golden Calf
Rabbi Ozer Glickman: On Becoming a Rabbi
Rabbi Avraham Gordimer: Moshe's Intimate Encounter With God
Esther Frederick: Busting the Myth of Jews with Horns
Rabbi Etan Moshe Berman: The Copper Laver: The Women's Vessel
Rabbi Dr. J. David Bleich: The Halachic Controversy Concerning the Israeli Census
Rabbi Chaim Jachter: Our Recovery from Cheit HaEigel
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin: A Sin for the Ages
Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg: Achdus and the Struggle against Amalek
Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl: Emunas Chachomim
Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb: True Splendor
Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn: The Double Edge
Rabbi Maury Grebenau: The Moon that Jumped Over the Cow
Rabbis Stanley M Wagner and Israel Drazin: Onkelos as an Alternative Translation
Rabbi Jeremy Wieder: Laining for Parshat Ki Tisa
See all shiurim on YUTorah for Parshat Ki Tisa
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a question, why jews dont stone anybody today as it is writen in the bible?
thank you
i generally don't answer anonymous questions. please provide at least a pseudonym.
the laws of evidence required for execution by a proper Jewish court are such that they hardly ever executed anyone. as the Talmud states, a bet din (Jewish court) which executed one person in 70 years was called a "murderer bet din".
at some point close to the destruction of the second Temple, Romans removed this aspect of Jewish sovereignty and took away the ability to impose capital punishments. this was even looked upon by some Tannaim (Jewish authorities) at the time as a good thing, such that they were thankful for this, not deeming themselves skilled enough to judge in such matters. since then, we have lost the ordination which was in a human chain goes back to Moshe, such that we cannot establish a Sanhedrin.
why? do you think this would be a good thing? i also think that this is a hidden blessing, and can elaborate on this if you are interested.
all the best,
hi, it was me the first anonymous,
i have always loved read the bible, much more the israelite bible than the christian gospel, and the israelite culture and traditions, and i know religious jews dont stone nor want to do it these days, but never knew the teological explanation, the evolution in which some passages of the deuteronomy and leviticus are avoided, why some of them like the capital punishments has been abandoned and some other like kosher rules are kept.
i have read that the prophets book renewed the tora and made judaism a personal religion, that rabinic jews think the tanak is imperfect and they need the oral law as well...
your explanation about the destruction of the temple place the answer is out of the tanak, so i think the solution is in the oral law, although karaite jews dont stone anybody either and they refuse the oral law
samaritans only believe in the tora refusing the prophets and ketuvim and they dont either
well, too much questions i think.
thank you very much for your attention and your nice and fast answer
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