This latest CD is a collection of his Yiddish songs, and -- horror of horrors! -- it contains the song "Yiddin" on it.
Big deal that it is a Jewish adaptation of Genghis Khan! It is a funny point, but not a horrific one.
Some other bloggers are arguing that it is a problem of "yashrus" that he does not credit the original musicians and that he is not paying them royalties. Some are casting it as a "halachic" issue of "yashrus," ignoring that their specific conception of "yashrus" is by definition subjective, and it is quite possible that MBD does not share this particular conception.
I can see this fitting very well into the halachic, and ethical, class of "zeh neheneh vezeh lo chaser," this one benefits and this one does not lose anything. (But then just appeal to "yashrus!" Note I am not ruling halacha lemaaseh here.) And I can question just as well whether it is "yashrus" to act all high-and-mighty and full-of-yourself, and try to deprive a fellow Jew of his livelihood, via encouragement not to buy the album. And to be upset that MBD apparently did not read your blog and then do teshuva.
Plus, it does not seem like the German band is really that bothered. To cite from a certain blogger who corresponded with them, here is their response:
Hi Chaim , great to hear from you! I am the manager of Dschinghis-Khan, Yes I have heard about it and we are performing for a lot of Jewish weddings all over the world. Just coming up on Saturday we going to Moscow to perform at such a wedding!
There must be many covers on Dschinghis Khan and Moscow. I heard a big Jewish band playing the song "Walking down Broadway" some time ago In the middle of July we are performing for half a million people in Mongolia for the 800 year state celebration! We are really working on the case to come for a festival to Israel this year! Anyway I am very happy people enjoying our music there.
The very best of regards,
Heinz Gross
That is, he assumes there are many such "covers" (adaptations) and that he is happy that people are enjoying their music.
Anyway, check it out.
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