Sunday, April 04, 2004

Kol Chamira

Artscroll has differences between the kol chamira of the night and the day. The night one has "delo chamiteih" only, while the day one has "dachazitei udelo chazitei, dachamitei udelo chamitei." (The nikud BTW is off, but a that is not the focus here.) What is the difference between chazitei and chamitei? Artscroll translates one as "recognize" and the other as "saw."

What I heard in Dr. Steiner's class a few years back, was that chazitei and chamitei means the same thing. They are the same root, just a dialectal difference that swaps the zayin for mem.


Anonymous said...

But your Dr. professor hasn't explained the seeming redundency.

joshwaxman said...

he has.

look at old girsaot and you'll see only one mentioned. e.g.

"כל חמירא דאיכא ברשותי דלא חזיתיה ודלא בערתיה לבטיל ולהוי כעפרא דארעא"

[יא] אף־על־פי שביטל את החמץ בלילה לאחר הבדיקה, מכל־מקום גם ביום לאחר ששרף אותו יחזור ויבטלנו בנוסח כל חמירא וכו' כדלעיל. אלא שמוסיף, דחזיתיה ודלא חזיתיה, דביערתיה ודלא ביערתיה וכו'.

And especially see here:
"כל חמירא וחמיעא דאיכא ברשותי (דחזיתיה ודלא חזיתיה) דחמיתיה ודלא חמיתיה דביערתיה ולא ביערתיה ליבטל ולהוי הפקר כעפרא דארעא"

where they put the alternate girsa in parentheses.

That is, initially, there developed two girsaot side by side. either because both were printed in one siddur, one in parentheses, as in this last link or someone combined two known girsaot, they end up with a combines nusach which is INDEED a redundancy.

His point is that you should NOT be saying both, because it is redundant.


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